CEN European Heat Pump Keymark

The CEN Heat Pump Keymark is a certification scheme underpinning the quality of heat pumps in the European market.

Main characteristics:

  • Third party measurements using test points from Ecodesign (EU regulation 2013/813 and 2013/814)
  • Factory production control and quality management review
  • Transparent and rigorous to create trust in the market place
  • Mutually accepted by all participating certification bodies
  • Transition period for fast track certification of products currently listed under by the following schemes: EHPA – Quality label, MCS, NF-PAC and LCP-HP.

How does it work?

The Keymark is a voluntary third party certification mark operated by empowered certification bodies, including BRE Global. The Keymark shows that the product meets all requirements of the relevant European Standards.

The Heat Pump Keymark is available for all heat pumps, combination heat pumps and hot water heaters (as covered by Ecodesign, EU Regulation 813/2013 and 814/2013). It is based on independent, third-party testing and demonstrates compliance with product requirements as set out in the Heat Pump Keymark scheme rules and with efficiency requirements as set by Ecodesign Lot 1 and Lot 2. The Heat Pump Keymark scheme is owned by the European Committee for standardization (CEN). The certificates are granted by independent certification bodies such as BRE Global to products fulfilling all requirements of the scheme. 

A full list of products certificated for the Heat Pump Keymark scheme can be found here

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